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The Data Center Program gives you, the practice (Doctor), many options:

Healthcare provider has no direct network access to enter data. This means that Somatikos, enters the entire healthcare providers data, patient and claims information, and Telfonix as such would meet HIPAA requirements.

Healthcare provider has remote network access to enter data. This means that the healthcare provider would enter all data and patient information, saving you time and money. This option would make the healthcare provider meet HIPAA requirements with security of patient information, along with many other features you can offer for additional revenue.




If your healthcare provider acts as a remote office and has direct access to the data center, you can offer your client all of Your benefits plus those below.  Benefits of the Data Center Program to the Healthcare Provider

Ø      Meet HIPAA Compliance Regulations mandating security of its Patient Information

Ø      Remote Access - The healthcare provider will be able to log in and access its data from anywhere with their unique identity.

Ø      Exclusive Unique Login - Each employee or seat that the healthcare provider establishes will have his or her own exclusive and unique login. This is keeping with HIPAA regulations tracking all handling of data.

Ø      Utilize Reimbursement Managers® Robust Scheduler for any location (office, home, hospital, etc.).

Ø      Review all Patient Data, Print Reports and More while at home with your family.


The Somatios Data Center Program provides the perfect mix of technology, service, and health information management for our billing companies and their clients to meet today and tomorrow's HIPAA challenges.  Somatikos (through IAMS) has partnered with AT&T to develop and deploy a complete HIPAA requirement health information solution. HIPAA requires that all healthcare organizations (billing companies, healthcare providers, clearinghouses, etc.) adhere to new standards for security and privacy of patient information. To meet only some of the HIPAA security requirements, you would have to invest thousands of dollars. The IAMS Data Center Program with AT&Ts secure data center technology brings reliability, availability and security together in one program.


The Data Center Program gives you, the healthcare provider, many options: Healthcare provider has no direct network access to enter data. This means that Somatikos, would enter the entire healthcare providers data, patient and claims information, and the billing company as such would meet HIPAA requirements.  Healthcare provider has remote network access to enter data. This means that the healthcare provider would enter all data and patient information, saving you time and money. This option would make the healthcare provider meet HIPAA requirements with security of patient information.